Breakup – 10 Ways to Get Outstanding Success After Breakup


You have just broken up with the love that left you in pain. But the wounds are healed now. What next? Taking revenge? No. We won’t suggest it as they say revenge is the wild kind of justice. You are not wild. Getting out of blues, regrouping your energies and getting outstanding success could be ideas
worth considering. Here we show you the path to getting highly successful after recovering from the worst breakup.

Success After Breakup


As we are writing this article, we are assuming that you have been healing from breakup, blocked your ex on the phone and social media channels and now you have no plans to get back to him/her.

Burn The Boat

Here, by boats, we mean that you should cut off all the ties with your ex. You should not spy on their profiles. You shouldn’t try to get back to them. It means you should reach the point of no return.

Here is an anecdote from history. The story unveils like this. In 1519, Hernán Cortés, a Spanish conquistador launched a large conquest against the Aztec empire. After landing in Mexico, he ordered to burn all ships from his convoy. He addressed his troops that we have no option to return. Either parish or win. The troops rallied behind him and the conquest was completed successfully.

As you are planning to resurrect and shine after a breakup, you should cut all ties and shouldn’t consider going back to your ex.

Plan Your Goal

To get success in life you need to have a plan. This plan should be made after SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat). Meticulous planning often gets great results.

There is a story that reaffirms the importance of planning ahead. It is being taught in primary classes across the world. Once there were three fish named – Plan Ahead, Think Fast and Wait and See. Once they hear the fishermen saying that they will cast a net tomorrow. Plan ahead and decided to swim to a
safe place. Think Fast said that he will make a plan. So, when he got caught in the fishnet, he    extended to be dead and the fishermen throw him back in river. And the lazy Wait and See did nothing, lost his life and sent to the market.

So when you are facing adversity you should plan ahead and think fast.

Set Your Priorities

People who want to get outstanding success after a breakup should have their priorities set. You could have several different works but you need to set your priorities say Steven R Covey in the chapter Put First Thing First in his book 7 Habits of highly effective people.

General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the sixth president of Pakistan was called the King of Trivia. While doing some important work he might leave the work in the midway and ask about what would be in the dinner tonight, or what gift he would give to a guest, why the sentry’s uniform was dirty. His office became a junkyard as he was not willing to clear files. Instead of clearing files, he extended the office so that more files could be accommodated.

So, when he died in an accident, the careers of several subordinates suffered.

Strategize Better

We already have a heading on planning and you might think why this separate heading on strategy. Here we would like to say planning and strategy might look similar but they are not the same.

A plan has a vision for the future while a strategy is more action-oriented and based on the practical side of work. Strategy is based on how to do the task more effectively.

There ia a good example of it in sports history. It happened in 1974 in Zaire when Mohammed Ali the great boxer was leaning against the fence and getting beaten by George Foreman. This scene was so against the normal convention that Author George Plimpton said to his fellow author Norman Mailer
that the match is fixed. Mohammad Ali Knew that Foreman could not fight till the completion of the rounds. Mohammed Ali won but very few were able to comprehend his strategy. To make a good strategy you have to be agile.

The moral of the story is sometimes you have to be great at the strategy to win a war.

Read Books to Heal Scars

Are the memories of breakup hunting you? Are these memories stopping you
from winning at life? These things are normal. Healing scars take time but you
have to remain motivated. Books could be an excellent resource to get over a
sad breakup. Here we are listing top books that can help you get over the

The Breakup Breakthrough Journal: Write your way back to yourself after
heartbreak by Paige Wilhide

Are you also someone who wants to move from your ex to a new life? Then
this book could be an ideal choice for you? The author has written this book in
a highly engaging and persuasive manner filled with several inspirational
quotes, prompts and exercises to take you from break up to breakthrough. It is
a must-read for anyone looking for outstanding success after the breakup.

Breakup Bootcamp: How to Transform Heartbreak into Healing by Amy Chan

Amy Chan has written this book citing her personal experiences so
anyone, particularly girls, going through a breakup can relate to this. Her
life changed when she learned that the man, she is deeply in love with is
cheating on her. She was filled with anger but instead of getting into in
negativity, she saw it an opportunity to transform her life. Anyone looking for
a breakup as a means to transform their life must read this book.

Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do by Dr. Robert Schuller

It has been a go-to reference book for anyone going through tough times
including a breakup. Robert Schuller suggests time-tested ways to deal with
tough times and find a way where there is none. In some chapters, you might
think that the author is shaking your conventional wisdom but these points give
you an insight into how to fight these tough times. A breakup is one of the
saddest points in life this book can help you deal with it and get success.

Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live,
Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown

Rising Strong is an ideal book for anyone who wants to resurrect after a
breakup. The book talks about how to get control of life after a setback. In
this book, the author deals with highly complex subjects like courage,
vulnerability and worthiness among others. The book aptly describes how to rise
strong after falling every time. The author has interviewed people from diverse
backgrounds before writing this book. And it is what makes this a must-read for
anyone looking for a comeback after a breakup or setbacks like this.

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön

Pema Chödrön has several books to her credit. The book helps you sail
through negative feelings after the breakup. The book is studded with several
small but inspiring chapters that you can read in no particular order. It is a
go-to book for anyone who is looking for a reference book to get over the sad feelings
from a breakup and emerge victoriously.

Don’t Procrastinate

Are you someone who makes big plans but delays its implementation? If
yes, you are a procrastinator. This habit takes you nowhere. Even the masterly
prepared strategies will bring little or no fruit if you keep delaying it. Get
rid of this habit if you want to get outstanding success post-breakup.
Procrastination brings irreparable losses. There is one such anecdote from
European history.

King Lous XVI of France procrastinated in giving food to the peasantry.
By the time he agreed to give the food the unrest had turned into a revolution.
The protestors took siege of his palace. He and his wife Antoinette tried to
escape in the dark but the masses caught them and beheaded them.

Be a Master Networker

You were heavily in love with your beloved and you have ignored your
family, friends and social network as you don’t have time to meet them. Your
network offers a support system you can rely upon. As you have broken up with
your beloved now it is time to revive this network. Life is a boomerang. What
would you give will return back?  Here is
a story from The Best of. . . Bits & Pieces.

There were two students studying in Stanford University. They didn’t
have enough funds. So they planned to organize a concert to earn money. The
engaged noted pianist Ignacy Paderewski. They thought that savings from piano
recital can be used for paying their fees and other expenses. They paid a heavy
guarantee for the concert. But despite their best efforts, they could gross
$1600 only. They gave it all to the pianist along with the promissory note of
$400 saying they would earn the money and send it to him. They believed that
there is end of their college careers.

But the great pianist thought otherwise. He tore the note and threw it
in the dustbin. He asked the boys to take all their expenses plus 10 percent
each for their hard work.

Several years passed, and Paderewski became premier of Poland. He was
trying to arrange food for starting population of his country. He sought help
from Herbert Hoover, the in-charge of the US food and relief bureau. Hoover
soon sent thousands of tons of food to Poland. Paderewski visited Hoover to say
thank you. To which, Hoover replied that he is the same Hoover you helped
during his college days.

Hire a coach

There are times when we are just not sufficient to track our progress
and know the right path to success. Here a personal coach or mentor could be of
great help. As per an assumption successful people have more than a dozen
mentors. The role of mentors and coaches in success can be further established
by following examples.

Imagine what Plato would have been without Socrates and what Aristotle
would have been without Plato. One of the greatest examples of a mentor and
mentee is from Indian history where the great political teacher Chanakya
mentored Chandragupta from an unknown lineage. This association led to the
foundation of the Mauryan empire, one of the greatest empires in India. 

Never Say Die

A never say die or never give up attitude is something you should have
to get success in life. Transforming your life is difficult and it gets more difficult
when you have just recovered from a breakup. Life transformation is an uphill
journey and the path is paved with various odds here a never say die attitude
will help you get successful.

One of the greatest examples of never say die attitude is Thomas Edison.
He invented several things. But one of his biggest inventions is the light
bulb. He failed thousand times before inventing the bulb. So, when a journalist
asked why he failed a thousand times. To which the great inventor said, he
didn’t fail but inventing the bulb is a thousand-step process.

Review, Reflect and Improve 

Just hard work is not enough, but hard work in the right direction
brings results. Most of the people looking for outstanding results put in hard
work but what stops them from getting successful is not reviewing, reflecting
and sharpening the saw.

There is a story about sharpening the saw. Once there was a woodcutter
cutting down a tree. A wise man passed by. He asked the woodcutter for how long
he is cutting this tree. Two to three hours – came the reply. It is taking more
time than the previous, lamented wood cutter. When did you last sharpen the saw
asked the wiseman? The woodcutter got the solution. We should keep sharpening
the saw to get good results post breakup. 

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25 Tips to Deal With Hard Times And Become A Strong Person

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